About LABS

LABS pict

LABS is the world's foremost developer of "Large And Bulky Stuff". It says so on their website. LABS is located in Frozin, Wisconsin. Known as the Silicon Ridgetop, Frozin is famous for its tech firms and ice fishing.

Robot pict

The Robot is the most advanced piece of technology in all of LABS' Robotics Department's second floor's east wing's third lab. Like digital technology in general, it possesses great potential, yet somehow never quite does what you want.

Ian pict

Ian works in LABS' Robotics Department's second floor's east wing's third lab. His main job is teaching the Robot useful skills. Fortunately, he's paid by the hour.

Greg pict

Greg is Ian's best friend and also works in LABS' Robotics Department's second floor’s east wing. (But not the third lab.) His official job is tinkering with electronics. He insists "tinkering" doesn’t sound manly, but has yet to come up with a better word.

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The Acronym Bot was created by the guys in LABS' Robotics Department's second floor's east wing's seventh lab. (See LABS, June 3, 2016) Originally designed to come up with a new acronym for LABS, it only speaks in acronyms. The guys in Lab Seven continue to search for a marketable application for the Acronym Bot.

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