
A hero searching for a missing weapon. A distortion in the fabric of reality. And a man known only as... Memento! The Fugitive Ink Comic Universe continues!

Otar & Odvar Meet The Cheese Goblin
Otar & Odvar are back, and this time they hear the siren call of cheese. But how will they survive an encounter with the dreaded Cheese Goblin?? Download Otar & Odvar's latest adventure!

Quad Con La Crosse Comic & Toy Show - Nov. 16, 2024
I'm happy to announce I'll be vending at a new convention next month, Quad Con La Crosse Comic & Toy Show at Valley View Mall! Hope to see you there!

Hey, I started a mailing list! I plan to use it to send out updates on upcoming shows, new comics, and such. I also updated my privacy policy to mention the mailing list.

I have three upcoming shows in Southwest Wisconsin! Check out the Events section of my homepage.

Secondary #1 now available in print!
Secondary #1 is now available in print! You can find it along with BRYN, Anthem #1, and Otar & Odvar #1 on my Print Editions page.